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该伙伴关系于2018年秋季举办了首届休斯顿next: ERG峰会, gathering hundreds of HR professionals and ERG leaders to discuss issues in talent attraction and diversity in the workplace. 在那个事件之外, 该伙伴关系于2019年启动了人才资源集团,以帮助连接该地区的人力资源和人才专业人士.




As energy companies and the Houston region look to prepare and develop the workforce necessary to support the energy transition, 专家说,公司之间的合作, 教育机构, 联邦政府和其他组织是根本. Experts from across the Houston region discussed how organizations and companies are preparing the workforce of the future during a panel discussion at the Greater Houston Partnership’s UpSkill Works Forum on Aug. 3.  根据波士顿咨询公司的分析, 到2050年,大多数休斯顿的石油和天然气工人将只依赖9套设备. “以确保他们拥有适合未来的能力组合, 石油和天然气公司将需要开展一项基于技能的测绘工作, 首先定义在他们选择的皇冠HGA010官方下载领域取得成功所需的专业知识和能力, 市场, 和地理位置,这是波士顿咨询公司关于皇冠HGA010官方下载过渡状态的出版物. Maria Suarez-Simmons, energy 劳动力皇冠HGA010官方下载政策高级主管 & Technology Council, encourages companies to take a “holistic view” of the occupations they offer and adjust them to the needs of the future of energy. Saurez-Simmons补充说,皇冠HGA010官方下载公司应该创造信息,让所有人都有机会, 不仅仅是工程师. 斯科特•马歇尔, Worley美洲人力资源团队的高级集团主管, “Hga010皇冠软件下载今天正处于过渡时期”, adding that companies should start reaching out to students at a much younger age to showcase available career paths if they are going to meet the demand.  Worley提供了几个早期职业培训项目, 包括全球毕业生发展项目和儿童STEM研讨会.  史黛西核, 宣传经理, 领导, 英力士的劳动力发展和战略项目, 分享了英力士如何与学校合作, 与K - 12年级的老师合作,教育他们可持续发展的机会, 皇冠HGA010官方下载转型与制造业. 帕特南还强调了参与员工职业生涯的重要性. 与这一战略演变相一致, 越来越多的公司正在采用以技能为基础的招聘方式,以使其人才库多样化. This shift from the traditional reliance on four-year college degrees highlights the need for specialized skills aligned with the demands of the energy transition. 劳尔•卡姆巴, 埃森哲董事总经理兼拉丁美洲主管, helps energy companies navigate the energy transition but also focuses on the industry's adaptability within its operations, 战略和劳动力. Camba said another tool to close the skills gap is to identify adjacent skills or related and transferable skills a worker already has and build upon them. Camba said forums like this one where employers can openly share the tools and resources they're utilizing will help companies find innovative solutions and colleges and universities design programs based on the region's needs. 专家称,这是行业间的战略联盟, 教育和政府是建立一个熟练的, 有弹性和面向未来的皇冠HGA010官方下载劳动力. Join the Partnership for a conversation on September 14 on how companies can develop partnerships with 教育机构. 了解该伙伴关系的休斯顿皇冠HGA010官方下载转型倡议和休斯顿提升技能.


随着企业寻求人才渠道多元化和创造流动性, many are utilizing apprenticeship programs and skills-based hiring as tools to create diverse teams and foster inclusive environments.  6月21日, the Partnership’s 一起的休斯顿 人才 Roundtable convened Partnership members 埃森哲和怡安保险 and workforce leader Opportunity@Work to highlight successful tools they are using to advance talent diversity in deliberate and measurable ways.   莎拉Hilchie, 埃森哲领导与文化管理咨询主管, 讨论了在公司内部建立包容性文化的重要性. Hilchie said building culture often becomes a low priority because a company may find it challenging to quantify the impact of culture, 高管层领导者和员工之间往往存在认知差距.    “真正的领导人, bold leaders understand that it is not only their responsibility but that they have the power to change the climate in their organization every day by what they say, 他们做什么, 以及它们如何奖励行为,”她说。. Hilchie补充说,公司应该通过问以下问题来评估他们的领导者是谁:  领导者是否正在采取行动创造更大的公平?  他们的言行一致吗?  他们在办公室之外都说了什么关于公司的事情,不管是社交媒体, 新闻, 或者口口相传?  埃森哲的研究表明,“当有一种包容的文化和高信任度时, 员工流失率降低了27%, 生产力提高50%,倦怠减少40%,希尔希说. Hilchie went on to share that "accountability and metrics such as talent equity or culture assessments that leverage company's employee feedback and data, are critical to building an inclusive culture and ensuring that culture remains a priority for 领导 and employees. Leaders will continue to replicate the past if they aren't committed to rebuilding an equitable workplace and that begins with taking action from a place of understanding." Opportunity@Work, a nonprofit organization that aims to rewire the labor market by helping companies see the benefits of skills-based hiring instead of solely focusing on four-year college degrees, 已经看到了巨大的成功,其熟练通过替代路线或STARs模式. 灰色的布里吉特, 该非营利组织的首席客户官, spoke about the need for employers to diversify talent acquisition by identifying the actual skills people need for roles.  格雷说:“不缺人才,雇主只是需要改变他们的人才来源。. 根据Opportunity@Work,通过其他途径获得技能的工人已经从7.随着雇主转向依赖学历而非技能,400万个工作岗位已经消失, 创造机会差距. 梅根·高潮, 怡安集团全球早期职业学徒副总裁, 讨论了公司的两年, 全日制学徒计划. 通过这个项目, 这家公司每年招收大约100名学徒, 参与者攻读副学士学位.  怡安的项目是全国的典范,由于它与当地社区大学的合作,它是独一无二的, 提供全方位服务或为参与者提供职业指导的当地非营利组织, 以及怡安的领导或管理人员为参与者提供的支持和时间承诺.  Parrilla hopes more companies will see the benefits of apprenticeships and consider people who have participated in similar programs as “equal to those who have completed a four-year college degree.” In 2021, 埃森哲和怡安保险, 在大休斯顿伙伴关系的支持下, launched the Greater Houston Apprenticeship Network to promote and support apprentice programs across companies in Houston. 通过访问此页面获得联系并了解机会. To learn more about skills-based hiring and other member best practices to accelerate your company’s talent strategy and diversity your pipeline, 加入伙伴关系的人才圆桌会议.




Houston is home to a strong university system and a large supply of young talent shaping the region's future workforce. 赖斯大学校长雷吉·德罗什将在今年的《Hga010皇冠软件下载》中发表演讲,他将……


“We all go to lots of meetings where we talk about what needs to be fixed but rarely do individuals own the work to make something happen. UpSkill休斯顿能够将所有人聚集在一起完成共同的目标,这令人印象深刻.”


“The minute I heard there was an opportunity to leverage what the Greater Houston Partnership was doing to make our industry better and our company better, 加入UpSkill Houston是理所当然的事.”

丹尼尔米. Gilbane



"Businesses who want to get their name out and sales professionals who want to increase their sphere of influence won't find a better organization to connect than GHP."




“休斯顿拥有创业所需的大量原材料——一流大学, 可承受的生活成本, 巨大的财富, large corporations -- so the creation of a startup hub in Houston has just been about aligning all these elements under one roof that provides entrepreneurs with the tools they need to succeed."

创始人 & The Cannon首席执行官
本计划及其福利仅对合作伙伴成员开放. 今天了解更多关于成为公司会员的信息.


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